Why a dose of self-hype is as important as self-help
When Mother’s Meeting asked me to submit a blog I knew that I didn’t feel I had shared enough of myself at the Networking event, so here is a little tale that I hope inspired you to learn how to Hype Yourself.
- A brief journey of being self-employed and having a baby -
Before I had my first baby, I ran my own company with a team which I tried to manage whilst taking mat leave. In parts, I really enjoyed still being able to use that part of my brain, but there were also moments, when the choice was taken away - such as havingto write a press release two weeks post-partum - that were difficult.
For numerous reasons the business wasn’t flourishing without me (another post for another time on why getting a co-founder can be a great idea). Originally, I had planned to return to work full time at three months using shared parental leave, but when the time came, I wasn’t ready.
At six months, I still only felt ready to be back part time and immediately had to make the remaining team redundant. At my lowest point, I remember sitting in a coffee shop feeling like a failure and ugly crying quite publicly. I wanted so badly to create a PR business that served small businesses, but I couldn’t make it profitable and be the Mum I wanted.
I then threw myself into house selling / buying and just making ends meet and before I knew it – 2018 had gone. My business had just existed and a whole year had passed me by. I’d ignored my own advice of having a communications plan, promoting myself and any direction. I hadn’t got anywhere because I hadn’t even put in my mind where I wanted to go.
The media industry basically shuts down over Christmas, enough was enough, so I took a fortnight off. I used the excuse of letting my French mother-in-law and partner have some quality time together and locked myself away. I created a vision board, I completed the No Bull School end of year review and I set myself goals and tasks for 2019. Then most importantly I started to share them.
I started to pitch myself for guest posts, speaker panels, sharing more tips to back up my knowledge on my social channels and other witterings to hopefully give a glimpse into my personality. I joined four different networking groups, I’ve literally never been so busy, but I’ve never made so many contacts and had so many ideas. I hyped myself to everyone and anyone that would listen about what I wanted to do. I overhauled my Instagram with a rebrand and started taking baby steps towards my five-year goals.
From 12 months of being a work ghost to hyping myself for just one month - I secured three guest panels, three blog posts, grew my audience, made some lovely new friends (mostly through Mother’s Meetings obvs) and even secured a business book deal! All of which whilst doesn’t dramatically change my business day-to-day are part of my long-term business plan. It’s a marathon not a sprint for sure.
If you had told me, even in November, that I would get these things I wouldn’t have believed you. So, my lesson learnt, and to pass on to you ladies is learn to self-hype. It feels scary to put yourself back out there, but as soon as you step out of the shadows, I’m testament that amazing things can happen for you personally and professionally.